what it is?
Audio Conferencing is a telephone meeting conducted between multiple separate callers (three callers define a “conference”).
The type of telephone used can vary but typically an audio conference includes attendees that use handheld wired telephones
(such as those at a person’s business office or home), conference room speakerphones that can be shared by several people, or individual cellular or mobile telephones.
Audio conferencing is sometimes called “teleconferencing” and traditionally means using a telephone instrument to conduct a business meeting.

what we make?

We provide not only system but also installation. One of the world famous brand, TOA is our authorized product for PA & Conference System.. Yangon Divisional Hluttaw is our historical milestone at where our TOA’s conference system and e-voting system are installed.

TOA Corporation is a specialist manufacturer of sound equipment for commercial and professional use as well as video equipment such as security cameras. Since its founding in 1934, TOA has grown to include bases both in Japan and overseas.We provide innovative solutions and products centering those which provide sound.
What TOA values is people’s smile. With more than 30 locations,
We contribute to create a safe and reliable society globally with excitement, supporting the needs of local community.