what it is?
Gaseous fire suppression, also called clean agent fire suppression, is a term to describe the use of inert gases and chemical agents to extinguish a fire.
how it work?
Water damage is an unfavorable factor for the electrical room, mechanical room or electronic communication room among the places protected by automatic fire extinguishing system. For this reason, these places are provided with a gas extinguishing system such as Nitrogen or Halon extinguishing system instead of a water suppression system like a sprinkler system. In gas extinguishing system, fire extinguishing gas and the pressure gas are stored in cylinders prepared specifically for this purpose, which is to be discharged to the protected area manually or being interlocked with the fire detector operation. It is recognized that the suppression principle is based on a cooling effect, the suffocation effect achieved by diluting the oxygen concentration prevailing in the area and controlling effect which controls combustion reaction itself. Precisely, however, the extinguishing principle varies according to the extinguishing gas being utilized. There are two types of products depending upon the method of installation.